Wednesday, August 02, 2006


A boxing gym on the west side of San Antonio. There were boxers milling about just before I took the picture, but they looked hot and I didn't want to disturb them by taking their picture. They were boxers afterall.


  1. Sarah, that story is too funny! :-) I like the deep red building against the blue, puffy cloud sky, and the yellow writing/green door accents, the light stripe of the sidewalk and the grey of the pavement. Really nice. Hope you get some cooling relief soon,

  2. wow that is one bright building! The cloud over the building looks nice too.

  3. ah that last line was funny - "they were boxers afterall" - boxers jus so happens to be some of the most warm hearted gentle humans who just happens to like to knock the beep out of each other, but other than that, they are such loving people! =) Luv that logo with the boxing glove zooming by the name
