Friday, June 16, 2006

Frozen Drinks

Taken on the library staff balcony. What do you do for fun at work?


  1. Conference calls.

    Welcome aboard!

  2. Conference calls? Are you joking?

    Ham -- Happy to finally have the ring aboard!

  3. Ha - at first I thought they were making shaved ice - anyway - what do I do for fun at work? Work of course! Just in case my boss is reading this - I love work sooo much that is my fun! ;)

  4. i have fun photographing people doing fun thing !

  5. We occasionally have cookouts for everyone who wants to come. And at long last I have persuaded them to have veggieburgers as well as meat burgers!

  6. I have to make my own fun since much of the time I'm the only one in the office! The church I work for is very small so there's just the pastor and I and he is often out tending to his flock. ;)

  7. yum, veggieburgers and burgers in general. Always a good thing.

    It is a rule in our office to have some fun regularly.

  8. I can't believe it I've just posted a drinks photo:)

  9. We did make shaved ice—here we call them Raspas. :D

  10. My friends and I actually made a list of 'hospital dares.'

    One of the worst things we came up with was sticking your head into one of those inter-dept mailing tube bins for a whole minute. Those mailing canisters arrive randomly at a high velocity and are often heard smacking into the walls of the bin.

    Ahhh, the fruits of boredom.
    Needless to say, your picture looks like a lot more fun. -Less painful, too!
