Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Rodeo Time

Picture 025

It's that time of year again --- Rodeo SA. It's not as big an event as Fiesta (coming up in April) but there is a lot going on for the rodeo and it's not just calf roping and so on. There are lots of concerts, fairs and other festive activities. This is also big enough that it kicks the Spurs out of the AT&T arena for about 20 days or so and the boys go on an extent road trip to accommodate the event.

This is a sign we saw on the Frost Bank building as we drove south on Main. They seem to have a huge banner for the big events in town so we're waiting to see if they put one up for Fiesta. They are a big name here in SA.


  1. I LOVE Rodeo time! You going to see anyone? I think Alan Jackson is coming... I'd like to see him.

    Rock on... and thanks for all of the nice comments you left on my blog...

  2. Hi Sean, not sure I am doing any rodeo stuff but of course if I do, you'll see a pic. I heard Houston's also having their big rodeo now.

  3. Houston, Shmouston...San Antonio is the place to be! :D

  4. I notice their artists lean to the hip hop side of music and ours has the country/western slant.
