Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Avast Me Hearties!

Avast - Talk Like a Pirate Day
Today was Talk Like a Pirate Day, celebrated internationally on the 19th of September. This was either the second or third year I've marked it. This year I wore my pirat-y shoes, some skull earrings, my Pirates Rule shirt, a sticker on my badge and button proclaiming what day it was. I saw a couple of other people observing this day also, and a couple of others who actually knew what it was we were observing.


  1. Yarr!

    Glad to see I'm not the only who celebrated Talk Like a Pirate Day this year. My kids (school kids, that is) thought I was totally off my rocker with my pirate hat & eye say nothing of the pirate speak.

    Hope things are going groovily with you. Talk with you soon.//d

  2. One of my co-workers introduced me to it. This year more of us did it than the last. I love me skulls and crossbones, so I just pull everything out.
