Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Many of your may not know that today is a very important birthday here. Its been celebrated in this country for awhile now, and it is about time we make it an international event...

It's Sonia's 25th Birthday!
Happy Birthday Chicken Nugget.

p.s. She might kill me tomorrow at work for this post!


  1. Hau'oli la hanau - happy b-day Sonia - please don't kill Sarah - she meant well hehe

  2. Oh no! I will have to separate you two tomorrow. Don't worry Sarah, our Chicken Nugget will be so happy to be lunching out, she will forgive you.

  3. Thanks everyone for wishing me a happy b-day! I had a great day! Don't worry Sarah, I'm fine with the picture, I actually like it. That picture reminds me of the way I felt on my b-day with lots of friends and family around me for that special day! :0)

  4. Glad u guys did not get into a wrrestling match haha - although, that would make for an interesting post pic and no doubt the post of the year.

    u guys r funny!

  5. After seeing Sonia on her birthday, I am suprised she can still put coherent sentences together. ;)
